Bishops Against United Methodist Congregations

John Lomperis on February 22, 2023

As our denomination’s slow-motion separation proceeds, among the most disappointing developments has been United Methodist bishops showing callous lack of concern for needless harm imposed on United Methodist congregations who wish to remain faithful to United Methodist doctrinal and moral standards.

The sad fact of the matter is that any American congregation pursuing disaffiliation should be extraordinarily cautious with their bishop or district superintendent (the latter of whom represents the former). No matter how much they may claim to be your friend or offer to “help,” in this present climate, you cannot expect them to be significantly helpful. The most you can expect is for them to not be hurtful.

I realize that this is a difficult, lamentable reality to face.

But I have not found one remaining active United Methodist bishop in America with a track record of consistently treating disaffiliating traditionalist congregations with basic fairness. There have only been some who have been relatively less punitive than others.

Bishops needlessly harming United Methodist congregations is not new.

Plenty of us have painful stories of bishops hurting congregations by mishandling pastoral appointments.

Then another longstanding factor making American United Methodist congregations’ decline worse has been the frequent divisive, left-wing public political posturing of UMC bishops and apportionment-funded agencies. As the pastor of the largest-worship-attendance Indiana United Methodist congregation (which has since left the denomination) remarked a few years ago, these “give people one more reason not to be United Methodist.” Note that all eleven of the apportionment-funded United Methodist general agencies engaging in left-wing and often extreme left-wing posturing has an American bishop as its board president.

And of course, we must acknowledge the terrible spiritual harm done when our bishops have allowed denials of basic biblical truths about Jesus Christ to become so widespread in our denomination.

The UMC has long been harmed by apportionment-funded seminaries actively promoting non-Christian religions and bishops publicly attacking belief in the divinity or resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet of all of the current active bishops remaining in the UMC, I cannot recall seeing one, even among the supposedly more orthodox bishops, ever showing the courage or conviction to “be part of the solution” for these problems (other than the solution of separation).

As disaffiliations and related tensions ramp up, bishops are acting fearfully and showing greater-than-usual disregard for congregations’ wellbeing.

Speaking of tensions, my own Bishop Julius Trimble recently released a remarkable six-minute video. Beginning around the 2:44 mark, he laments that disaffiliations in Indiana are proceeding “not as amicably as we had hoped.” He claims, with extraordinary vagueness, that “there have been too many lies” and “too much disparaging and labeling and peddling of fear,” and decries alleged “truncated talking points laced with falsehood and stereotypes.” He then associates such horrible things with the WCA (Wesleyan Covenant Association), Global Methodist Church (GMC), “or the LMT, LMT meaning ‘Lomperis and Men like That,” and urges United Methodists not “to be distracted or to be detoured.”

I am the only individual he explicitly names.

If I ever actually saw the WCA, GMC, or conservative leaders like me (men or women) spreading clear, specified “lies” or “falsehood,” I would be the first to challenge them. I have shared accurate, well-documented information about the new liberal trajectory of the United Methodist Church on a range of issues besides gay weddings. But I do not recall any of us spreading rhetoric as simply “disparaging” and fear-peddling, divorced from any facts, as a video Bishop Trimble produced a few months ago to fear-monger against the GMC. Warning, “Buyer, Beware!,” Trimble tried, in a baseless and inflammatory way, to associate the Global Methodist Church with the Ku Klux Klan! (That video was later removed with neither explanation nor apology.)

By the relative standard of United Methodist bishops today, Bishop Trimble has actually been a lot nicer to disaffiliating congregations than many of his colleague bishops, when it has mattered most. And at least back in June, Trimble declared, “If you are leaving The United Methodist Church…you are not my enemy!”

But while I can take the heat, what I find most troubling is the example this video sets for addressing church conflict. When a top UMC spiritual leader has a problem with one of his lay members, what is his very first resort? To publicly name and disparage me publicly, without ever seeking private conversation. Do pastors see no issue with the pattern of their first resort to addressing problems with individual lay members of their congregation being to publicly name and shame them? Evidently, many United Methodist pastors liking and sharing this video do not. I should not need to explain why this approach is harmful in congregations.

If bishops really want this season to proceed more amicably, they could do such basic things as:

  • Grow thicker skin, recognize the huge imbalance of power and resources they enjoy, and offer clear, repeated public assurances, from both themselves and all of their superintendents that, in the words of a WCA resolution, congregations “must be allowed to make their own fair, free, and informed choices of which denomination to continue their ministries within, without facing any bullying, harassment, or mistreatment to punish or manipulate their actual or expected choices.”
  • Understand that when they identify with one side of the denominational divide (as all active U.S. bishops now do), this inevitably raises questions of trust, and so it is okay for congregations to seek information from a wider range of sources.
  • Engage in significant, ongoing collaboration with WCA and GMC leaders and others in their area on how to manage disaffiliations relatively fairly and amicably and also address alleged “misinformation”—from either side. (In Indiana, the lack of such collaboration is not due to a lack of me or other traditionalist leaders seeking dialogue with the conference’s liberal leadership).
  • Consciously reject seeing disaffiliations as a zero-sum game in which each disaffiliation is a “loss.” Instead, prioritize letting each congregation find whatever is the best fit for them before the time-limit for disaffiliations expires. Be okay with the fact that for some this will mean remaining UMC and for others it will not be.
  • Tell the truth. Honestly inform traditionalist United Methodists of the three powerful pressures working against future tolerance for them if they remain United Methodist.

The more bishops choose to avoid any of the above, the more they bring needless pain and anxiety to United Methodist congregations.

What we are seeing across much of the country is extreme, unnecessary financial and other burdens imposed on disaffiliating congregations (here is a list from last summer).

It is one thing to not want to break up. But is any relationship remotely healthy when one partner tells another, “if you leave me, I will needlessly impose extra pain and suffering on you” or even, in some cases, “if I can no longer control you, I will make it difficult for you to even survive”? Yet this is precisely what many United Methodist bishops and other conference officials are telling United Methodist congregations.

Does this sound like the approach of leaders who truly love and care about United Methodist congregations, even if they cannot simply use or financially benefit from them?

Indeed, many United Methodist bishops have loudly professed great concern for minorities of no more than 33-percent of some congregations who wish to move with the UMC’s liberal new direction. But these sanctimonious professions of compassion are typically framed to avoid any compassion for majorities of as high as 66 percent of congregations who are loyal to historic UMC doctrinal and moral standards but have been blocked from disaffiliation. Bishops have no use for the latter, only the former.

Bishops and their subordinates have also brought United Methodist congregations needless additional confusion and anxiety from unclear communication about disaffiliation, sudden changes to deadlines and requirements, and glaring inconsistencies.

Meanwhile, bishops and their superintendents have sometimes interfered in congregations’ internal decision-making. There are such examples as the Central Texas Conference website, under the leadership of Bishop Ruben Saenz, publishing an extensive guide effectively encouraging minority factions to take over a congregation for the liberal new direction of the UMC, rather than offering more even-handed resources. (Although many of these strategies could also be used by pro-disaffiliation members). Other times, the interference has been more direct.

There appears to be little concern on the part of such bishops for the lasting damage their external political interference can do to their targeted congregations. For some, it appears that the actual health of the congregation matters less than the “scoring a win” of blocking a congregation’s pro-disaffiliation majority.

Congregations that seem especially targeted for such heavy-handed interference have valuable real estate, whose assets bishops apparently hope to force into the new, increasingly liberal United Methodism. This paints a striking contrast to the Global Methodist Church, which has no trust clause with which it could bully congregations over their property. Instead, the GMC’s attitude was summarized as “we’re not interested in your property or your money—we’re interested in the people in your community who need to know Jesus!”

One particularly cynical, trust-shattering tactic of some bishops has been suddenly, unilaterally calling for “pauses” in congregations moving towards disaffiliation (with varying degrees of broadness and bindingness). These bishops know darn well that time is rapidly running out for congregations to exercise their temporary right to disaffiliate. They know that powerful political forces oppose the next General Conference allowing additional exits. Urging or ordering pauses appears to stem from bishops cynically hoping to “run out the clock” until congregations lose their chance to disaffiliate.

Given the rapidly expiring, once-in-a-lifetime nature of the chance to disaffiliate, some bishops and other officials are forcing congregations to make a major, permanent decision about their future while being needlessly denied key information. For example, the Mountain Sky Conference, under lesbian activist Bishop Karen Oliveto, has refused to share the exorbitant extra financial penalties imposed on disaffiliating congregations until after the congregations vote to disaffiliate.

A whole article series could be devoted to how bishops and district superintendents are resorting to bullying and intimidation to crack down against the basic-free speech rights of United Methodist congregations, demanding severe limits on who they are allowed to speak to, what they are allowed to speak about, and even reportedly on what conversations laypeople are allowed to have with fellow members of their own congregation! This further suppresses important information. It also disrespectfully treats United Methodist congregations and laypeople as children to be controlled, in an increasingly totalitarian way.

When many United Methodist bishops are so unrestrained in their heavy-handed bullying of traditionalist congregations seeking to disaffiliate, why should anyone trust these same vindictive bishops to never mistreat traditionalists who remain?

Even some of the relatively less punitive and supposedly more theologically orthodox bishops have heavy-handedly taken a firm stand against letting any United Methodist pastor even temporarily serve a Global Methodist congregation, even in retirement. This is hard to justify in church law, given other instances of clergy pastoring non-UMC congregations. But our bishops, without any exception of which I am aware, are choosing to single out the GMC for a unique level of anti-ecumenical hostility, knowing this may make life needlessly difficult for some congregations in this transitional period.

At the recent Eastern Texas Annual Conference session, GMC Transitional Connectional Officer Keith Boyette recently said, “I pray for those from whom we’ve separated” and “I pray that they will bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.” Apparently, not one United Methodist bishop is willing to sincerely demonstrate a similarly gracious attitude towards the GMC.

To be fair, a minority of bishops have scheduled disaffiliation-focused special annual confrence sessions in late 2023, to give congregations one last chance to disaffiliate before Paragraph 2553 expires.

I hope that these bishops will keep their word. But I am not naïve about the recent track record of United Methodist bishops’ promises.

Some bishops or district superintendents reading this article may be upset at my observing a pattern of bishops apparently prioritizing their own greed for property and high apportionments over each congregation finding its best fit. They may be upset at my reporting on how bishops and their superintendents are often heavy-handedly suppressing the free flow of information and stifling freedom of speech. They may be upset are my reporting on bishops treating the GMC with extreme anti-ecumenical hostility while in many cases refusing to engage WCA in finding a more amicable and collaborative approach to this season.

To such readers, I respectfully offer one simple challenge: Prove me wrong.

  1. Comment by Gary Bebop on February 22, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    Having experienced the dodgy, petty administrations of the supercilious progressive element, I understand John’s lament and corollary plea for fairer exit treatment. But we could use a satirist right now. Perhaps a lampoon would make the point that a lugubrious argument fails to do.

  2. Comment by Jim on February 22, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    This was all so predictable.

  3. Comment by Tom on February 22, 2023 at 5:28 pm

    Power corrupts. And absolute power, which these bishops appear to have, corrupts absolutely.

    More and more I see the wisdom of Presbyterian polity in not having bishops at all. (Not, of course, that the PCUSA has covered itself with glory, either.)

  4. Comment by Dan W on February 22, 2023 at 5:34 pm

    I’ve met some wonderful Methodist bishops over the years. Bishop Woodie White and Bishop Mike Watson come to mind immediately. But Methodist bishops failed to prevent (or encouraged) the disaster the UMC is currently experiencing. It’s time for a change, and the office of bishop is apparently obsolete. Just my 2 cents.

  5. Comment by Phil on February 22, 2023 at 11:11 pm

    Someone gave out church member addresses and phone numbers at FUMC in Shreveport, LA to a third party without permission who has been mailing literature and leaving messages saying the congregation MUST disaffiliate in order to keep following Christ. I would like for someone from the GMC, WCA, or IRD, etc. acknowledge that illegal and dishonest tactics like are being deployed in some churches going through discernment (I said some, not all) and condemn these practices. If you’re going to post a new article every other day attacking the bishops and The UMC, then show us you’re capable of correcting misbehavior in your own ranks when presented with the evidence.

  6. Comment by Dan W on February 23, 2023 at 7:21 am

    Phil, the best investigators in the world can’t figure out who leaked a US Supreme court document, that maybe 12 people could access. How would anyone figure out who leaked a church directory that maybe hundreds of people can access? Can you opt out those emails/calls?

  7. Comment by Phil on February 23, 2023 at 9:53 am

    Dan W,

    I’m not asking for any kind of investigation, just a public response condemning the use of such tactics. John Lomperis claims ignorance of any dishonest or crooked tactics being employed by traditionalists in the disaffiliation process. Let’s be clear, I’m not accusing the IRD, WCA, or GMC of knowledge or direct involvement in what happened at FUMC, nor am I suggesting these methods are characteristic of all disaffiliation processes, but clearly the perpetrator was someone who wants this church to leave. I think groups publicly advocating disaffiliation have a responsibility to tell churches how to do it properly and legally, while condemning instances where it is not. I’ve given an example and am asking him to respond.

  8. Comment by Anthony on February 23, 2023 at 12:39 pm

    They’re going to “reclaim, revive, and renew”. After the laughter ceases, then we’ll ask to see their PIVOT PLAN. But, first things first. Until we have a real apology for their abject leadership failures, their direct responsibility for the schism, and their refusals to uphold church law for which they vowed to do while asking for forgiveness in all this – then this is but another in a long list of empty rhetoric from them.

  9. Comment by James on February 23, 2023 at 1:57 pm

    Many/most of the bishops in the umc are as the Sanhedrin was when Jesus walked this Earth in the Holy Land. They care only for the phylacteries of their office and expect folks to all but bow down to them because of their station. Many who are district supes are infected with the same disposition. In the final wind up–home churches will be will be where the GOOD NEWS is shared and disciples saved……………….

  10. Comment by John Smith on February 24, 2023 at 8:37 am

    The AC finally got around to sending info to all the churches, with a short time line to act. The process thunders the expected action.

    Administrative Council votes on separation (input from congregation not welcome)
    1-Votes correctly, process stops.
    2-Votes wrongly, the DS comes in to talk to the congregation to determine what the congregation “wants”.

    Much emphasis on the cost of leaving but not the cost of staying. Money is hammered real hard, nice to know the Bishop’s core concern.

    One bit of truth slipped out, no matter how a church votes, neither the church nor the UMC will be the same at the end of it.

  11. Comment by Td on February 24, 2023 at 9:41 pm

    No surprise here. They haven’t been fair or just in the past. I wouldn’t even expect them to live up to that low standard when it comes to this issue.

    Unfortunately, they have decided to follow the ways of fhe world and not the ways of the Lord. But that was always to be expected. The UMC wouldn’t be in this situation if it weren’t for their faithlessness.

  12. Comment by John Smith on February 26, 2023 at 8:39 am

    As the plundering continues it becomes even more obvious why Hedley Lamarr wanted Methodists for the destruction of his enemies.

  13. Comment by Anthony on February 26, 2023 at 9:31 am

    Please note the big missing “R” here — REPENT. Taking no responsibility for this splintering, they cannot bring themselves to repentance. Without that, nothing will change. Of course with real repentance, they would have to radically change their ways.

  14. Comment by Rev. Wade Compton Indiana conference of the UMC on February 27, 2023 at 12:31 am

    You are a hero to the cause of Christ. Your courage, logical thinking and documentation are beyond excellent. Keep up the great work. Keep telling the truth regardless of how the anklebiters respond or persecute you.

  15. Comment by Jimmy on February 27, 2023 at 1:50 am

    As far as FUMC in Shreveport, I don’t know anything other than what I’m reading above but how does someone know that church member contact information was given out in some inappropriate way? Many churches have had printed directories, electronic directories, and huge lists that get circulated by formal and informal groups.
    And if someone really wanted to do so they can even pay for readily available services to match records and gain even more information. This is done everyday in political, corporate, and nonprofit spheres.

    I also don’t know of what communications are being spoken about but if someone is speculating about the future impact of staying or leaving the United Methodist Church, by definition they’re giving an opinion, unless they’re claiming to have a crystal ball.

    So it all sounds like much to do about nothing! More hyperbole about “mis-information” just to keep people in a congregation from being able to demonstrate their will by a fair vote.

    I think there is this man I know, who also happens to be God, who actually came to set people free. And a guy named Peter said something about not lording authority over the people.

  16. Comment by Ronald Everett on February 27, 2023 at 3:00 am

    I went through this twelve years ago with a PCUSA congregation that did not disaffiliate. I was an elder at the time and wrote a thirteen page letter explaining why my wife and I were leaving, pointing out the doctrinal errors being supported. What was going on in the denomination made disaffiliation of congregations difficult and costly so most members were unwilling to take a Biblical stand and didn’t want to experience the heated arguments that would ensue. It was not easy to find another church who held to fundamental doctrine but after a year of searching, we were able to find one. In the meanwhile the pattern of dialog in the denomination was very similar to what you are experiencing such as being accused of exactly what the other side was doing. Our prayers go with you. Christ will prevail.

  17. Comment by David Gingrich on February 27, 2023 at 7:21 am

    John Lomperis is a treasure. Thank you.

  18. Comment by George on February 27, 2023 at 8:08 am

    Phil, Phil, Phil !!! Don’t have a nervous break down over this. Some person gave the church directory to a third person who made calls and sent messages by mail. Really? Sounds like what we have gone through for decades. Unsolicited phone calls and fliers in the mail. It’s no big deal.
    What the bishops allowed to go on for years and causing such turmoil within our church is a big deal. If that’s the worse thing you can throw at John Lamporis, get a life. He didn’t create this. The BISHOPS did !

  19. Comment by Sara on February 27, 2023 at 9:47 am

    I echo David’s statement. John Lomperis is indeed a treasure! He has faithfully had our backs for many years now.

  20. Comment by George Tingley on February 27, 2023 at 10:02 am

    Disaffiliation aside, we have a bishop suspended now for a whole year continuing to be paid full salary and benefits even though both suspensions have expired and an appeal to the UMC Judicial Committee denied. The WJ College of Bishops has no secretary (in violation of the Book of Discipline 413), and an Administrative Review Committee has hever been established to ensure that the terms of Bishop Minerva Carcano’s suspension are met. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  21. Comment by Anthony on February 27, 2023 at 10:07 am

    After all is said and done, the bottom line has yet to be addressed in the UMC because the liberal bureaucracy refuse to engage in any honest and meaningful dialogue. They invent new ways regularly to deflect from this. Traditionalists point to Scripture with relation to the presenting symptoms of our schism and ask the liberal establishment: (1) Where in Scripture is same sex marriages approved or condoned? ( 2) Where in Scripture are sexual relations of any kind outside that of a man and woman in marriage approved or condoned?

    After all these years, is there now a single liberal United Methodist who will answer these two basic questions? Adam Hamilton, where are you?

  22. Comment by Carol Tatum on February 27, 2023 at 10:42 am

    It’s all about MONEY. These Bishops are a den of vipers, hostile and vindictive to fellow faithful Christians, whose behavior is in the realm of satan. I said years ago they had to go and people gasped at me…and now THIS. Their behavior shows the world who they TRULY are. God’s judgment will be severe and their woke churches will lose the blessings that the traditional UMC enjoyed. Jesus is weeping.

  23. Comment by George on February 27, 2023 at 2:34 pm

    Are you kidding ? Adam Hamilton could be a bishop by just snapping his fingers. Why would he want it. He’s making millions right where he is at. The answer is always money, especially for liberals.

  24. Comment by Barry on February 27, 2023 at 8:35 pm

    Our church has voted to disaffiliate, but we are not going to join the GMC. They are just a clone of the UMC. A little simpler perhaps and minus a few very bad far left features. But I am 70 years old. The GMC looks much like the “then” Methodist church looked when I was a kid. My view – the GMC will become the new UMC in less than 50 years. We’re going Congregational Methodists.

  25. Comment by Mike on February 27, 2023 at 11:27 pm

    Another excellent article, John. If churches are not seriously motivated to “discern” whether or not they should disaffiliate from the UMC, that’s on them, NOT on persons like you, Chris Ritter and many others who have provided ample information to help congregations see the big picture of where the UMC is headed, and soon.

    Just one addition to your list of Annual Conferences offering AC meetings later in the year to approve disaffiliations: Minnesota has an AC session for disaffiliation votes schedules for Nov. 12. For some reason this one is not yet on the list at the link you provided.

  26. Comment by James on March 1, 2023 at 3:10 pm

    To my knowledge, Bishop David Graves, South Georgia/Alabama-West Florida, has not attempted to throw up roadblocks to congregations deciding to disaffiliate. He has expressed his reasons for remaing UM, but–to date–we have not experienced any pressures to change our decision, nor am I aware of pressure being applied to other congregations to remain. Granted, we are a small, rural congregation and not an influential one, but we have traditionally paid 100% of all apportionments as well as giving regularly to other church-related (and other) ministries. The only “argument” being put forward by our leadership is, “Wait until after the 2024 General Conference.” We expect to finalize our departure in May, 2023, and are looking forward to becoming part of the GMC.

  27. Comment by JR on March 2, 2023 at 6:01 am

    Phil, et al.
    When the whole world says stay, and be progressive, disregard the Bible and BOD; at least some members have the freedom, and they have the right to tell why you should consider the opposite. That is NOT illegal in any way. Don’t you get phone calls or pamphlets during the time of public elections? What is blatant blasphemous and illegal, is what this denominational leaders have been doing so far.

    Judging by what you have stated, you assume (or accuse) “IRD, WCA, or GMC” to have done such. Honestly, the whole UMC should be making a public apology to the church for it’s blatant disregard of the polity, faith and beliefs; teasing and trying out heresy, and coercing faithful traditional members and clergies.

    UMC is currently not only unfaithful to the Bible and truth, it’s also totally disregarding science, and medical health. Science journal has published that there is no gay gene (Aug. 2019). Those who are engaged in homosexual relationship has 70% higher chance of deadly STD infection. LGBTQ teens have 4 times higher suicide rates than heterosexual peers. European study shows over 95% of those who received transgender surgery regret having done so. Transgender people have to live throughout their lives injecting extremely toxic shots.

    It is not nature, nor hereditary, so we should not take that lie. It is not scientific, nor healthy life choice so don’t recommend or glorify, let alone use the church to bless it.
    To justify these, Rev. Adam Hamilton has stated he’ll throw certain Bible passages into a bucket that he dismisses as irrelevant to today’s standard. And only uphold the ones he feels relevant to him. Isn’t that the definition of heresy? Some decades ago, Jesus Seminar did the same thing: throw polls and vote on what they want to believe and not. What survives a pop-junkyard straw poll is considered credible, but the ones that don’t are trashed. Even toddlers have higher standard than that. That’s what this is all about. Choosing what you will uphold and believe.

    Phil, I believe we all are claiming for the same thing in different ways. You also want to follow the truth, and practice the Gospel to the people you love and serve. What is truly loving, and being faithful to the teachings of the Bible? Basic medical-health science tells you which side to chose. There are tons of people who have come out of the lifestyle, repent and are telling the truth, and warn the lies of the progressive movement. But this denomination has decided from the top, to disregard the transformative power of the gospel, and teach acceptance than repentance, affirmation than transformation. It took some time for me to come back. I hope you do the same. God bless you my friend.


  28. Comment by Buddy Whatley on March 3, 2023 at 1:29 pm

    As a 77 year old retired UMC pastor, I was asked by a friend to help his church re-organize after their disaffiliation. It has been an exceptional experience, but I was quickly informed by Bishop Graves that I could no longer be a member of the South Georgia Conference if I was serving a disaffiliated church. My argument that it was no longer a disaffiliated church, but a now-independent Methodist church fell on deaf ears.

    Then, months later I was told by letter that my ordination would no longer be recognized because I’d joined another denomination. I had not, have not, and have no intention of joining another denomination. And so the games continue as the ship sinks beneath the waves of the “make-it-up-as-you-go” sea.”

  29. Comment by Tim McGonagle on March 14, 2023 at 8:27 am

    Your name was mentioned by our DS, in the Great Plains Conference, at a disaffiliate meeting, as a person on the extreme right who exaggerates along with Rob Renfroe. But to be fair he also said Adam Hamilton is an extreme person on the left and nothing Adam recommends gets passed, because he is so radical left.

  30. Comment by Michael on March 16, 2023 at 9:18 am

    Globalists manipulate congregations with lies.

    A lifelong friend is a district superintendent.
    He is more of a traditionalist regarding the issues this split about.
    His mind has been changed by the willful deceit of those lobbying for the split to the Global MC.

    Personal friends who have been lifelong Methodists have been publicly called out in Bible study groups for not “living within” the new Global doctrines forced upon them.

    Globalists are about money & power.

  31. Comment by George on March 23, 2023 at 10:07 pm

    So the Globalists “manipulate congregations with lies”. You didn’t even bother to list just one of those lies. You point to those who lobby for the split as doing it with “willful deceit “.
    But you fail to explain your reasoning. You just condemn those with whom you disagree.
    It appears that you readily drink the cool aid of your favorite liberal UMC leader. Try listening to both sides and start thinking for yourself. Now that’s a refreshing thought.

  32. Comment by Burney on April 18, 2023 at 3:37 pm

    Not surprising. The Methodist Discipline has been enforced only when convenient. Up until a few years ago, the Discipline HAD to be followed. The UMC not requiring a unified path to disaffiliate for the entire Church is why lawsuits are being filed.

  33. Comment by Arthur Harper on May 2, 2023 at 10:10 pm

    “But I have not found one remaining active United Methodist bishop in America with a track record of consistently treating disaffiliating traditionalist congregations with basic fairness. There have only been some who have been relatively less punitive than others.”

    How has the MS Annual Conference and either our former or current Bishop been unfair or punitive in disaffiliation? I am not trying to pick a fight. I am honestly asking what I am missing, as one who has been in the midst of this here is MS.

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