Methodist Drag Queen

Methodist Drag Queen ‘Ms. Penny Cost’ Returns in Florida Children’s Sermon

Jeffrey Walton on October 7, 2022

United Methodists in St. Petersburg, Florida recently hosted a children’s sermon with a drag queen who is also a certified candidate for ordination.

Isaac Simmons, bejeweled as “Ms. Penny Cost” in a high slit sequin dress, addressed children during worship at Allendale United Methodist Church on October 2, 2022. Simmons’ subsequent sermon included a denouncement of capitalism, embrace of Liberation Theology, and a demand that doctrine be overturned in favor of an indiscriminate affirmation equated with God’s holy wisdom.

Simmons is a controversial figure within the denomination not only for his drag persona but also for a profanity-laced disparagement of the Bible’s unique authority. The denomination’s apportionment-funded mouthpiece, the United Methodist News Service, has given Simmons star treatment as the first openly gay candidate to be certified for ministry in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference.

“We have a special guest,” Allendale Senior Pastor Andy Oliver introduced Simmons to the children. “Are you always dressed up like this?”

“I wish!” Simmons exclaimed. “I only get dressed up like this on special occasions, I kind of feel powerful when I put on a dress like this and a big wig and lots of makeup. It kind of helps me to say things that I don’t have the confidence to say outside of it.”

Outside of drag performance, Simmons goes by the name of Isaac and uses “they/them” pronouns.

“We, members of the United Methodist Church, any church, or just the common humanity, we have a privilege and a duty to change the very doctrine and systems of oppression which surround us,” Simmons preached. “The time of change-making will likely be uncomfortable for you, but just as the liminal last days of Christ’s life were uncomfortable for him, the liminal days which rest between now and the end of injustice will be uncomfortable for us all.”

Simmons’ sermon message centered upon finding acceptance, but the preacher’s admonitions were not limited to those who decline to embrace contemporary innovations in gender identity and expression.

“Doctrine without care only inflicts bloody wounds, and yet, we especially those of us with the privilege of Whiteness, of Cis-ness, and the privilege of the access to power must be willing to get uncomfortable.”

Quoting Peruivian Roman Catholic Priest and Liberation Theology proponent Gustavo Gutiérrez, Simmons decried capitalism, identifying those on “Wall Street and Senate floors” as modern day money changers like those whom Jesus drove from the Temple.

“The face of capitalism is poverty, it means death. It refers to the destruction of an individual person, people, culture and tradition. That is, the goal of a theology of capitalism is the destruction of personhood, the prolongment of pain, and the dehumanization of worth.”

Allendale UMC describes itself as “a church that is committed to anti-racism and radical solidarity with folx on the margins.” Placards in the sanctuary read “your silence is violence” and feature imagery including a raised fist. The church has hosted, and its clergy have celebrated, same-sex marriage ceremonies in violation of the United Methodist Book of Discipline which states that homosexuality is “incompatible with Christian teaching” and that such action is a chargeable offense.

The church appears to have few children: only two came forward for Simmons’ talk. Data provided by the Florida Annual Conference reports an average Sunday attendance at Allendale UMC of 66 persons in 2021, with one child baptized.

“One of the things I think is great about Ms. Penny Cost is that she reminds us that we follow a God who calls us not to conform to things of this world,” Oliver told the children of his congregation. “We are supposed to be transformed by the renewal of our minds. That means what I think today may have to change tomorrow if I continue to renew my mind. It’s so cool that we serve a God who calls us to continue to grow, to continue to change into something new and not be bound by the ways that the world confines us sometimes.”

Oliver, a graduate of United Methodist-affiliated Duke Divinity School, serves as president of the Methodist Federation for Social Action and characterizes himself as “grounded in liberation theology and following Jesus” as “a community organizer who always located himself with the oppressed, helping them to use their power to dismantle evil.”

The Florida annual conference has struggled in recent years, declining from an average weekly worship attendance of 142,177 in 2009 to 109,544 in 2019, a loss of 32,633 members (down 23 percent across the past decade) according to data made available in the Florida Annual Conference 2020 Journal. The conference is presently embroiled in a lawsuit with an ethnically diverse group of 106 congregations seeking to depart the denomination.

Video from the Sunday service has been made available by Allendale UMC on their Vimeo channel and is viewable in entirety below.

Worship Live: October 2, 2022 from Allendale UMC – St. Petersburg on Vimeo.

Read More:

Pondering Drag Queen Theology

Drag Queens and Coming Methodist Split

How to Respond to United Methodist Drag Queens

  1. Comment by td on October 7, 2022 at 3:46 pm

    It really is scandalous that the UMC is endorsing sexual perversion and pornography to children. What else is there to say? Certainly the devil is hard at work in the UMC and reaping lots of fruit.

  2. Comment by Herb on October 7, 2022 at 6:42 pm

    I watched the whole thing. Had to keep reminding myself it wasn’t a Saturday Night Live skit. This has to be an institutionalist’s worst nightmare.

  3. Comment by Beth on October 7, 2022 at 8:37 pm

    Most Methodists seem to have their heads in the sand about this sort of thing. I know because my husband is one of them.

  4. Comment by George on October 7, 2022 at 11:44 pm

    The United Methodists Church must be proud. In just a few decades, they have managed to divide and bring shame apron a once great faith. My church just voted to leave. The effective date is January 1, 2023. Happy new year !

  5. Comment by Pat on October 8, 2022 at 11:18 am

    Godless leadership in the UMC has destroyed the Methodist church. Satan is pushing all into overdrive to destroy God’s church in this country. God reminds us He is in control and knows all that is taking place. Prayerfully, the remnant of the former UMC will be able to thrive and revive the gospel so needed by Methodists seeking Christ as their savior and guide in life on this earth. The UMC is just simply another protestant church giving in to the temptations of satan as many others in the USA. Nothing more to say.

  6. Comment by David Mu on October 8, 2022 at 12:25 pm


    I am impressed that this ‘service’ had so much that it managed to get your away from having seen an direct violation of church tax- exemption that does not allow services to have political lobbying for votes. And from in front of the altar. It was buried by our ‘good’ “sister” giving her performance.

  7. Comment by Margot R Thompson on October 8, 2022 at 7:59 pm

    Gracious, Penny —
    Will the children really remember that Jesus gave His entire earthly being to bring each of us to a saving knowledge of God’s love through His death, resurrection and ascension by your message? Lots of political baggage here — rhetoric — cant — blurred sexual identity. Should I share your children’s sermon with my 8-yr-old and 5-yr-old grandsons? How will their God-given power to procreate sons and daughters be strengthened by your rant?
    Yours in Christ,

  8. Comment by Jeff on October 9, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    Sick antichrist perverse filth in what is supposed to be “His House of prayer”. And not one bishop speaks out against it! Wrap your head around THAT. Not ONE so-called bishop of this so-called “united methodist CHURCH” can be found to speak out against this frank heresy.

    And damn few clergy have the discernment to call it out either.

    What would Wesley do? Or Paul?

    Or Jesus?

  9. Comment by mary on October 10, 2022 at 1:35 am

    Seeing a drag queen dressed in some spin off Maleficent Costume from Sleeping Beauty and addressing the congregation is nothing short of frightening, disturbing, and a moral outrage. This is not God’s work, wisdom, or anything to do with the Christian faith. How did this happen?

  10. Comment by Stephanie Jenkins on October 10, 2022 at 7:44 am

    This is stupid and does nothing to bring people to Christ.

  11. Comment by JoeR on October 10, 2022 at 8:04 am

    Would the last Methodist please turn out the lights and lock the door.

  12. Comment by Lance on October 10, 2022 at 8:05 am

    This is a great example of allowing one virtue to run wild into evil heresy. In this case the virtue of hospitality, being a warm welcoming church, has been untethered from the greater virtues of faith, biblical fidelity and truth. The result is leading children of God away from Jesus. The consequence is getting the Millstone Award.

  13. Comment by Bruce Sdunek on October 10, 2022 at 8:40 am

    Makes me sick! What’s the matter with our people? Yes, Satan is working hard to destroy us, and too many fellow Methodists are complacent about it. The UMC is doomed if this keeps up. I’ll certainly be leaving if it gets any closer.

  14. Comment by Wayne on October 10, 2022 at 8:57 am

    Children’s Sermon: Pastor tells two little girls that we are “not to conform to this world” while a man dressed like a woman is standing there being celebrated by the congregation. What irony.

    One of the pastors gives the morning prayer and says “I want you to thank yourself for being here” Are you kidding me? We don’t go to church to thank our self. We go to thank God.

    Political candidate goes on for 10 minutes bashing anything that is not part of the democrat party.

    Man Isaac Simmons not being able to keep his wig hair out of face was distracting while he tried to recite his sermon.

    Man Isaac Simmons totally abuses scripture of Habakkuk. Habakkuk is asking God when will you punish these sinful people who go against His word. How long will you let their sins go on.

  15. Comment by Eric Lytle on October 10, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Andy Oliver has noisily supported every left-wing cause that comes down the pike. He and Allendale represent the worst of the religious left. One former Allendale member who often made the local news was Michelle Weger, noted for putting on a fake beard and marching as Jesus in the local “pride parade.” Michelle, a lesbian “married” to another lesbian, is now “Ben” Weger. What a motley crew the UMC is.

  16. Comment by Padre Dave Poedel on October 10, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    Beside all of the above appropriate comments, my comment involves the vestments: The color for this time of the liturgical year is green. The rose colored vestments are normally reserved for the 3rd Sunday in Advent. This lack of respect for the liturgical year expresses their general antinomian approach to church life.

  17. Comment by Stephanie on October 11, 2022 at 10:21 am

    Blasphemy defined:
    1) Contemptuous or profane speech or action concerning God or a sacred entity.
    2) Irreverent or impious action or expression in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.

    Those who commit such abominable things need to read Ezekiel chapter 8. Do they even think to ask Holy Spirit to guide them in word and deed? No. Those who speak and do such things do not have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, nor do they desire Him. So the question is, what will the church members do to stand up for Jesus and remove the ungodly from their churches?

  18. Comment by Rev. Dr. Lee D Cary (ret. UM clergy) on October 14, 2022 at 8:00 am

    Individuals, families, organizations and nations that stand for everything, as a prelude to inevitable death, eventually stand for nothing.

    Case in point: the dissolving United Methodist Church. The stench has grown stifling.

  19. Comment by Arlene on October 14, 2022 at 9:11 pm

    And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you for many will come in my name saying, “I am the Christ,” and will mislead many. Matt: 24:4-5.
    These wolves have come in Jesus’ name and profess that, Jesus is the Christ. Yet, they pervert the gospel and mislead many because many don’t have a clue as to what the gospel really says and they are, therefore, easily misled.

  20. Comment by Miki on October 15, 2022 at 4:42 pm


  21. Comment by Osage on October 17, 2022 at 7:40 pm

    I’m waiting for God to rain down and destroy these “churches” just like Sodom and Gomorrah

  22. Comment by Tony on November 27, 2022 at 12:05 pm

    “because of such things the wrath of God is coming” – Ephesians 5

  23. Comment by Taro GS on February 5, 2023 at 10:53 am

    The character name “Miss Penny Cost”, (disparagement of the Holy Spirit/Pentecost) and profanity-laden disparagement of the bible is more than enough to disqualify from being in office of a church!!

  24. Comment by Robin on April 17, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Proof going to church does not make you a Christian!

  25. Comment by Chris Blalock on April 26, 2023 at 6:41 pm

    Please change your headline to “United Methodist…”

  26. Comment by KDC on August 6, 2024 at 10:16 am

    I am praying for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and insight in this person’s heart and mind, hopefully God will work through Ms Penny Cost and let that person see what God sees. May we be changed in our heart and mind in our own lives. Amen.

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