Jefferson statue

Jefferson’s Statue & America

Mark Tooley on December 1, 2021

The removal of Thomas Jefferson’s statue from New York’s City Hall after nearly 200 years reveals our contemporary misunderstanding of human nature. Jefferson was removed because he owned slaves, like his father and grandfather, and like millions of people across thousands of years in every culture on every continent.

Jefferson’s slave owning is unexceptional. It has been the sad norm across the lamentable history of fallen humanity that people when enabled will exploit other people. Often this exploitation is justified by the fatalistic assumption common to all traditional cultures that some are born to rule and others are born to serve. The natural mind assumes the weak must submit to the strong.

What is exceptional is that Jefferson, despite every cultural and self-serving inclination to the contrary, became the chief rhetorical architect for abolition and egalitarianism. Few if any in his family or among his neighbors in rural Virginia disputed slavery when Jefferson was very young. The abolition movement did not yet exist. English evangelist John Wesley did not write his tract against slavery until 1774 when he was age 71. John Newton did not publish his pamphlet against slavery until 1788. English Quakers and William Wilberforce did not launch their campaign against the slave trade until the 1780s. Anti-slavery at the time of Jefferson’s youth and early manhood was mainly confined to esoteric Pennsylvania Quakers.

Yet Jefferson at age 33 in 1776 wrote the Declaration of Independence declaring that all men are created equal, which ensured the eventual defeat of slavery. His original draft included an explicit denunciation of slavery, which was rejected. But the assertion of human equality was powerful unto itself. It’s not certain that the other members of the drafting committee, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, would have included it, although they did support it. It was Jefferson’s insight, which he regarded as a synthesis of American principles.

Abraham Lincoln hailed the power of Jefferson’s insight:

All honor to Jefferson–to the man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to introduce into a merely revolutionary document, an abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times, and so to embalm it there, that to-day, and in all coming days, it shall be a rebuke and a stumbling-block to the very harbingers of re-appearing tyranny and oppression.

Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King also hailed Jefferson’s insight and implored America to fulfill its promise. King called it a “promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Jefferson was not unaware of the power of his insight about human equality. He would be the last U.S. president publicly to criticize slavery until Lincoln. Even privately anti-slavery presidents like the Adamses stayed silent while in office, fearing the consequences. In 1806 Jefferson hailed the impending ban on the transatlantic slave trade, which he signed, that many hoped would help end slavery:

I congratulate you, fellow-citizens, on the approach of the period at which you may interpose your authority constitutionally, to withdraw the citizens of the United States from all further participation in those violations of human rights which have been so long continued on the unoffending inhabitants of Africa, and which the morality, the reputation, and the best interests of our country, have long been eager to proscribe.

Jefferson freed only about 10 of the hundreds of slaves he owned across his lifetime. By his later years, thanks to his prolificacy and crop failures, he seemingly no longer controlled his own estate or could free his slaves, which was his failure. But his hypocrisy doesn’t cancel his momentous contribution to human uplift with global impact. Hypocrisy is the sad inevitable companion to all high human principles.

A few Christians have mocked Jefferson during this recent statue controversy. One tweet wryly recalled the warning from Revelation about subtracting from God’s Word, per Jefferson’s self-edited Bible. Another noted that integralists must now have seized New York and were purging Jefferson, who was privately Unitarian.

Hahaha, but Christians and all believers in human dignity, equality and liberty are indebted to Jefferson. His statue, commissioned by a Jewish admirer who esteemed Jefferson’s contribution to religious freedom, portrays him holding the Bill of Rights.

Jefferson, like all of us, was a miserable sinner who failed to abide his own standards. He also, despite himself, was magnificently used by God to advance righteousness on earth. He may have edited the Bible, but there was still enough of it in him to move mountains and liberate millions. His last public message, on the Declaration’s 50th anniversary, insisted “that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God.”

Fallen humanity’s plight, prone to exploitation and tyranny, saddling some while booting others, would be hopeless but for providential interventions through flawed instruments like Jefferson. New York’s city council is self-righteous to think themselves his superior. Instead we should give thanks that God deploys the unworthy to achieve His will on earth.

  1. Comment by David on December 1, 2021 at 5:07 pm

    Well, Pennsylvania had a gradual emancipation act in place in 1780. This was due in part to the efforts of Benjamin Franklin, who had slaves but came to see the practice as a great evil. Many of the conflicts we have today go back to a constitution that was too accommodating to the major slave states, hence the senate and the electoral college.

  2. Comment by td on December 1, 2021 at 5:56 pm

    The removal of a statue of Thomas Jefferson is a true travesty in so many ways. But i am not surprised that the purity police have gotten their way. If we are following their standards, then every statue or painting or biography of any person in any location should be removed. The disregard that this group of people has for our ancestors is appalling.

  3. Comment by Mike on December 1, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    “Many of the conflicts we have today go back to a constitution that was too accommodating to the major slave states, hence the senate and the electoral college.”
    Wrong. The provision for equal representation by state in the Senate was a concession to smaller states like Delaware and Rhode Island, to ensure that they had an opportunity to make sure that their states would have a more equal representation in at least one chamber of Congress. It had nothing to do with slavery.

  4. Comment by This started a long time ago... on December 1, 2021 at 8:35 pm

    This disgusting spectacle has occurred over and over again, including an annual conference in the North Central Jurisdiction apologizing for slavery in the 1990’s, only 130 years after the Civil War ended. The conference said nothing about the thousands of people from that state that died to set them free.

    The hatred spewed at Jefferson had gone on for a long time. For those old enough to remember the heated book of lies by Fawn Brodie that came out of in the late 1970’s that accused him of having children with his slave Sally Hemmings (based on things like receipts and records for fabric purchases in France when he was there as ambassador) started the destruction of the man’s reputation going downhill.

    To set the record straight, yes there was found possible DNA traces in some black people when DNA testing became well-known, and they were accepted into the Jefferson family. But one of his brothers had a fairly well-known reputation for using slaves for sexual activity and there can be no way to determine which Jefferson fathered their ancestors. It’s pretty obvious who did and who didn’t if you are willing to see reality for what it is.

    In short, it’s leftists being leftist and people swallow the lies whole. They will believe any lie if the right person from the right social group says it.

    Justice will be done one day for the mountains of lies told about the Founders and those who try to uphold the values/virtues they exposed, however imperfect they were and we are. A lot of glass houses will meet thrown stones one day.

  5. Comment by td on December 2, 2021 at 10:22 am

    Thanks, mike, for clarifying this. There is a lot of revisionism today around the compromises in the constitution.

    Another one is the notion that it was the southern states that wanted to count slaves as less than one person, when in fact it was the southern states that wanted slaves fully counted and the northern states that didn’t want them counted at all. Hence, the 3/5 compromise.

    Granted, no one talked about slaves voting, but at the time of the drafting of the Constitution, generally only free men owning land could vote. Which, of course, completely throws off those today who only want citizens to be counted to draw congressional districts, which was so obviously not the intention of the founders since they were so obviously counting people who could not vote.

  6. Comment by Star Tripper on December 3, 2021 at 10:09 pm

    Arguing facts against an enemy that only responds to rhetoric is pointless. Our arguments need to be along the lines of, “Eliminating the nation’s history is of a piece with Pol Pot and all other dictators who wish to reduce their populations to the same simplistic and retarded mentality as their followers.” Stop whining folks. Go on the offensive.

  7. Comment by Rev. Bill Bouknight on December 4, 2021 at 12:21 pm

    Churchill was right when he said, “When the present sits in judgment of the past, it loses the future.”

  8. Comment by George on December 4, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    Let he who is without sin cast down the first statue. Hmmmm, think I read that somewhere.

  9. Comment by The Rev Rob Bagwell on December 5, 2021 at 11:38 pm

    I was taught that Jefferson edited the Bible so that it would be easier to minister to the Indians for the purposes of evangelism. He also rode his horse to the capitol every Sunday to attend the denominational services held there. Unitarians in his day were not as non-Jesus as God affirming as they are today.

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