You’re Pro-Woman? Then Ditch the Complementarian Caricatures

on April 14, 2016

*Editor’s note: The original version of this article was published by Click here to read it.

Wouldn’t it be great if Twitter’s egalitarians could actually engage views they don’t share? Because, here’s a tip: Hijacking hashtags and hurling cruel accusations about complementarian women and men via Twitter doesn’t work if you’re trying to change hearts and minds or, you know, want to show you truly support women.

Sadly, this is what happened earlier this week while the complementarian Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CMBW) held its “The Beauty of Complementarity” 2016 T4G pre-conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Egalitarian tweeters totally ignored the content of CBMW’s men and women speakers’ presentations. Instead, they tossed around insulting caricatures that left this complementarian woman ready rumble.

I was unable to attend T4G, but decided to check in with the CBMW16 hashtag on Tuesday and catch up with speaker quotes and photographs. I rolled my eyes as I scrolled through a heap of mean-spirited presumptions and cruel conjectures launched by egalitarians. But one particularly infuriating tweet caught my attention.

Oh for crying out loud.

First off, let’s deal with the demeaning accusation hurled at complementarian women. How incredibly insulting to reduce complementarian women to children. How utterly belittling to assume complementarian women are slaves in need of liberating. Does she really think complementarian women are so incapable of thinking for themselves that they allow their husband to squash their goals, opinions, and dreams as mere child’s play?

It’s easier for egalitarians to pretend complementarian women are victimized church ladies limited to nursery duty than to engage our ideas.

Perhaps egalitarians’ time would be better spent reaching out to any of CBMW’s women speakers. I’m sure Jackie Hill-Perry, Trillia Newbell, Courtney Reissig, GraceAnna Castleberry, Mary Mohler, Kristie Anyabwile, Mary Kassian, Candi Finch, and Amanda Peacock would all be willing to share with you why they identify as complementarians.

Arrogant assumptions about theologically or politically conservative women are nothing new. This is exactly how the political left treats women who don’t hold their views. They either pretend they don’t exist or dismiss us as ignorant, brainwashed puppets.

I consider myself a complementarian woman, recognizing I don’t agree with every other complementarian woman out there on all theological and political issues. I also recognize these women studied Scripture for themselves and came to their own conclusions. Then I think, gee, she probably married a complementarian man because he shares her conclusions. Maybe I should talk to her about why she believes x, y, and z.

For my husband Eric and me, complementarianism doesn’t look like oppression. It looks like equal partnership, each of us contributing based on our unique characteristics and roles. Here’s what my complementarian marriage looks like on any given weekday:

Eric cooks dinner multiple times a week because I’m not a fan of cooking. I prefer to clean the kitchen after he prepares dinner. He prefers to cook instead of clean. You might say we complement each other.

My husband and I both work full-time. Last week, I told Eric about a work-related opportunity to travel overseas which I felt apprehensive about. The idea of traveling abroad alone makes me a little anxious. The opportunity also means a good bit of time away from home, away from my husband. Eric keeps asking me when I’m going to grab the opportunity.

Date night typically involves Mexican food and laundry. Eric recognizes that I’m not his slave and that he goes through a lot of white undershirts, so he folds his share of clothes. Neither of us enjoy folding laundry, so we save this chore to do together while watching Netflix. The task is more bearable that way.

When I speak on behalf of the Institute on Religion and Democracy at churches and youth ministries close to our home, Eric is typically sitting in the front row.

Our marriage is neither glamorous nor perfect, but I’ll be darned if someone accuses all complementarian men like my gentle husband with a giant servant’s heart of treating himself as a god and me as a child. It’s insulting and inaccurate.

Indeed, you can find dominating men who mistreat their wives and go to church on Sunday. But I promise you they don’t mistreat their wives because they’re complementarians. They mistreat their wives because they’re sinful chauvinists abusers. Also, I highly doubt many of these men could tell you what complementarianism even means.

Enough with the fabricated presuppositions and belittling caricatures of complementarian women and men. Next time, try talking with a complementarian woman who doesn’t fit your convenient mold. If you listen, then you might be surprised to learn complementarian women have a lot to say.

  1. Comment by Beau Jackson on April 14, 2016 at 7:53 am

    I’ve been seeing this Jorey Micah’s posts on various blogs, it appears she’s one of several Rachel Evans wannabes (and one is more than enough). Whenever someone challenges her (mis)interpretations of the Bible, her usual response is to call them “egotistical.” She’s not some lone voice among evangelicals, unfortunately, and the feminist version of Gnosticism is a very real threat to evangelicalism. When you get enough evangelicals ranting about “social justice” and “patriarchy,” talk about sin and salvation gets left behind.

  2. Comment by Zechs Marquise on April 21, 2016 at 11:08 pm

    The relationship described above is egal. She talks nothing of leadership or submission which is what most egals oppose. Comp is just code for spousal slavery.

  3. Comment by JeffreyRo55 on April 14, 2016 at 8:18 pm

    I agree.
    “Oh for crying out loud.”

  4. Comment by jjgrndisland on April 14, 2016 at 9:03 pm

    I think she made an error in her tweet, she meant to type “unite our hate to end patriarchy.”

  5. Comment by Marty on April 15, 2016 at 5:00 pm

    The NOW cows can’t make their case without exaggerating, or outright lying. What a shame they can’t put their zeal to some useful purpose.

  6. Comment by Lisa on April 20, 2016 at 1:19 am

    “”After supper as we sat in the living room with RC and his children. Denise was cleaning up in the kitchen. RC got up to go in the kitchen. Denise must have done something to make him mad because he angrily told her, “Go to your room”. It sounded just like he was talking to a little child. Denise went to their bedroom and a little later RC went up and we could hear him spanking her. She stayed up there a long time before she came back down. The look on her face told all. She was humiliated and ashamed. It was the most awkward supper we’d ever had in anyone’s home. We didn’t accept anymore invitations from RC after that.”

  7. Comment by Namyriah on April 20, 2016 at 9:59 pm

    Do you intend to geld your husband before or after the wedding? Or does your type force the man to do it to himself?

  8. Comment by Zechs Marquise on April 21, 2016 at 11:07 pm

    so you think wives should be slaves?

  9. Comment by Lisa on June 2, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    If my husband beats me, I shall geld him then.

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