Churches and Destructive Social Pathologies

on May 30, 2013


A recent Gallup Poll unsurprisingly but sadly shows majorities approving non-marital sex, same sex marriage, divorce and children out of wedlock. Ninety percent still oppose adultery. But the number favoring polygamy has doubled to 14 percent, still small but significant. Look for that number to grow!

Other recent polls show possible majorities favoring legalization of marijuana. And assisted suicide also seemingly has growing support.

Of course poll questions can skew or show only one incomplete angle of popular perceptions. A recent Pew Poll shows 64 percent thinking the number of children born to unwed mothers is a “big problem.” Only 13 percent thought no problem at all. And some polls show a growing negativity to abortion.

Yet there is a potential majority emerging with views about the basic ethics of human life profoundly at odds with Christianity and most traditional beliefs. Much of the institutional church has facilitated this slide. Once Mainline Protestantism decided during the mid twentieth century that its vocation was not to teach permanent truths but strive to echo secular society, having no confidence in once settled convictions. Evangelicals and Catholics were deemed retrograde. The Church of What’s Happening Now replaced theology with sociology. “Catch up!” became its refrain.

In becoming a chorus for rather than a biblically faithful challenge to society, the Mainline became sideline. Some oldline church elites now are pushing furiously for same sex marriage. But few outside those diminished circles really care anymore about the former Mainline. These once prestigious religious forces have become mostly irrelevant.

A growing number of evangelical elites also eagerly want to exchange theology for sociology, enslaving themselves to the secular culture. They erroneously believe that accommodation equals relevance. The price will be that in 20 years some once teeming megachurches will be empty warehouses, and some now thriving para church ministries will be eviscerated or closed. Some evangelical schools will shut down, merge or secularize beyond recognition.

But millions of orthodox Christians will remain faithful, heed the lessons of recent history, and respond to the existential social challenges before us. They will proclaim with renewed enthusiasm and sense of mission the timeless and urgently needed truths of marriage, family, sanctity of life, and the holiness of the human body. Profound spiritual teachings will have been vividly and often tragically vindicated by the collapse of marriage and its intrinsic ties to procreation. Millions who as children never had mothers and fathers married to each other will want better for their children. The predictable moral and demographic consequences of widespread abortion, assisted suicide, and recreational drugs will have been widely discerned.

Once again churches will serve as moral beacons and not dull enablers of society’s most corrosive pathologies. It will be an exciting and heroic age, resembling the great eras of social reforms in history for which The Church was champion, against much adversity, earning the increased contempt of many social elites and their fellow travelers within institutional religion. But The Church and its unchanging faith will surge ahead, amazing friends and foes. Let it begin soon!

  1. Pingback by Churches and Destructive Social Pathologies | HAVEN OF THE HEART FOUNDATION on May 30, 2013 at 12:40 am

    […] Churches and Destructive Social Pathologies. […]

  2. Comment by rogerwolsey on May 30, 2013 at 12:59 am

    Funny how conservatives never list greed, oppression, exploitation of the poor, capital punishment, or waging unjust wars as social pathologies.

  3. Comment by cleareyedtruthmeister on May 30, 2013 at 3:11 pm

    Many conservatives speak (and work) against those things as well, it just doesn’t get noticed because it doesn’t fit the stereotype.

  4. Comment by ericvlytle on May 30, 2013 at 8:09 pm

    Yeah, that’s true. If we did that, we’d be liberals, wouldn’t we? And that would qualify as some sort of pathology in itself.

    Last time I checked, capital punishment was not a “social pathology,” it was a punishment for those who engaged in social pathology.

    Regarding “unjust wars”: you got a big-time liberal in the White House right now, so are you are the current wars are “unjust”? I thought only GOPs could wage unjust ones.

  5. Comment by cbcburke9 on May 30, 2013 at 2:13 am

    Reblogged this on Cbcburke9's Blog.

  6. Comment by parascheva1014 on May 30, 2013 at 7:56 am

    The Church is the Ark of Salvation which the seas of the world can not sink, but if some choose to try to build their own boats and sail alone…Lord have mercy!

  7. Comment by SaintlySages on May 30, 2013 at 8:03 am

    Following the crowd only works if they are heading in the right direction. But Christ’s warning comes to mind: “The road that leads to life is narrow, and few find it” (Mt 7:14). God bless!

  8. Comment by Jane L. Bonner on May 30, 2013 at 10:40 am

    It cannot be soon enough. “Consider the souls who thirst and seek for truth and safety in the sanctuary of the UMC, just to be fed dirty water and compromise. Recently a pastor told a young couple not to worry about small differences like drug use which are “not important”. This is food for death, not for life. Another young man recently told me that adultery isn’t illegal, after all. Where are we headed? What is being preached from pulpits which bear the name of Christ??? A millstone for their necks.

  9. Comment by steadywatch on June 3, 2013 at 2:25 pm

    Generalizations and isolated anecdotes are not too helpful in the discussion. Essentially opinions, right?

  10. Comment by skotiad on June 3, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    Leftwingers generalize all conservative statements as “opinions,” whereas every liberal policy as a matter of scientific fact, right? Also, lefties aren’t exactly shy about using anecdotes to push their agenda. Ever hear of poor Sandra Fluke, who had to (boo hoo) pay for her own birth control?

    File the last post under “pot calls kettle black.” File all liberal statements under “don’t think, feel.”

  11. Comment by oarubio on May 30, 2013 at 11:08 am

    As a Catholic, I join you in observing the sad results of moral relativism. And I agree with you that there will be another heroic age for the moral truths which “the gates of Hell will not prevail against.”
    Your encouragement that it should begin soon reminds me of the king in the “King and I” when he said, “Now and when else? Now is always best time!”) — Tony

  12. Comment by cleareyedtruthmeister on May 30, 2013 at 1:59 pm

    Modern liberalism is the way of least resistance. In the long-term it’s also the way of most destruction.

  13. Pingback by Steynian 470nst | Free Canuckistan! on May 31, 2013 at 8:48 am

    […] JUICY ECUMENISM– Twelve Tribes: Turning Community into Legalism; Churches and Destructive Social Pathologies; New York City Council Upholds Religious Freedom; Peace Coalition Sees Worsening Conditions for […]

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