Podcast: Mark Tooley Interviews Bishop Will Willimon

on April 15, 2014


IRD President Mark Tooley interviews retired United Methodist Bishop Will Willimon about his new novel, Christians and literature, and the future of Mainline Protestantism. Bishop Willimon led the North Alabama Conference and was the long-time dean of the Chapel at Duke University. He has returned to the campus of Duke where he is teaching and writing. His latest book is his first novel, Incorporated, set in a Midwestern Protestant congregation across a month of Sundays, with a cast of saints and sinners.

  1. Comment by Brent White on April 16, 2014 at 8:00 am

    Not that the opportunity necessarily presented itself in this interview, but I want to hear Bishop Willimon explain his about-face on homosexual practice. Why has he changed his stance? The way he speaks about the issue these days makes it seem as if he thinks that it’s a matter of indifference. I would love to know why. For better or worse, he’s one of the most influential voices in our denomination.

  2. Comment by Daniel on April 16, 2014 at 9:34 am


    I would guess that the number one priority in the UMC for bishops and other clergy is to ensure that nobody’s feelings get hurt, unless you are a white male of heterosexual privilege. This emphasis on feelings above all else is an outgrowth of the overwhelming feminization of the UMC and other mainline Protestant denominations. No one wants to speak the truth in love anymore because it is hard, everyone won’t like you, and you will run counter to the culture.

    I recommend that for the next revision to the UMC hymnal they add “Feelings” as a selection, or they can add it to The Faith We Sing. As an alternate selection, they might want to consider “I Did it My Way” as a counterpoint to that submission stuff and penal substitutionary atonement doctrine that’s so yesterday to today’s “with it” crowd.

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