Writing Letters of Advocacy for Victims of Religious Persecution

on April 19, 2012


Members of Congress respond – to spontaneous constituent mail, telephone calls from constituents, personal visits from constituents, orchestrated mail campaigns, and even to articles and editorials in major daily newspapers.

Write to your member of Congress, Senators, the President, and the State Department.

Very Important: Emails or faxes are the preferred means of communication since U.S. mail delivered to Congress is held up for many days to be examined ever since the 2001 Anthrax attack.

How to write your letter:

  • Say something positive – thank the legislator for something.

If possible, thank him/her for some action or statement concerning the subject about which you are writing. Find out if they have supported legislation about that issue in the past.

  • Keep the letter brief – limit it to a single issue – For instance, write separate letters about persecution in Sudan and persecution in Nigeria.
  • Be polite – your opinion will carry more weight if you seem rational.
  • Come to the point quickly – this is also extremely important if you get a face-to-face meeting with your Representative or Senator.
  • Give the bill number or title. (Feel free to call or email IRD if you need help with this on bills concerning the persecuted church or similar issues.)
  • State your reasons for writing – your faith, how this affects you, etc. – and use your own words or add your own words to a model letter – don’t just copy a form letter word for word.
  • Offer information, cite sources, be a resource person. (We can help you with that!)
  • Ask a question that requires an original answer, which compels staff to do more research (and lets you know if they are really reading your letter).
  • When they respond, WRITE BACK – think of your letters as two-way correspondence.
  • Make your letter timely – before decisions are made or issues are resolved, for good or for evil.

How to address your letter:

The President
The White House
Washington, DC  20500

Dear Mr. President:


The Honorable (name)
United States Senate
Washington, DC  20510

Dear Senator:


The Honorable (name)
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC  20515

Dear Mr. / Mrs. (name):

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