ACNA’s Attendance & Membership Rebound

Jeffrey Walton on June 25, 2024

Attendance within the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) rebounded in 2023 to pre-COVID numbers, according to congregational report data released June 25 at the denomination’s Provincial Council meeting at St. Vincent’s College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

The denomination in 2023 reported an increase of 36 congregations to a total of 1,013, an increase in membership of 3,115 (+2.5 percent) to a total of 128,114 and an increase in attendance of 9,211 (+12 percent) to a total of 84,794.

The 2023 attendance numbers are a full rebound, exceeding pre-COVID levels, and are broad: only four ACNA dioceses reported any attendance decline in 2023. One was the now-dissolved Via Apostolica Missionary District, which saw most of its congregations transfer to the Anglican Network in Canada, the ACNA’s Canadian diocese.

Of the increase, 2,251 members and 1,791 of attendance can be attributed to the Anglican Diocese of All Nations (formerly CANA West) transferring from the Church of Nigeria’s North American Mission to the ACNA in 2023. The remainder is organic growth among existing dioceses.

The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina continues to report the largest membership in the ACNA, with 17,440 members (down 3 percent from 18,007 in 2022). The largest attendance was reported in the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others at 8,500 (up 6 percent from 8,017 in 2022).

Continue reading at The Living Church here.

  1. Comment by Thomas on June 26, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    I rather have read the entire article in here or in other orthodox site, because The Living Church has gone totally heretic, not to say apostate, like the Episcopal Church, and we shouldn`t be attending the same places as people who have rejected the Christian faith.

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