Methodist: War ‘Israel Against Palestine’ a ‘Genocide’
Jeffrey Walton
Separation and United Methodist Agencies
John Lomperis
Sexuality / LGBT
Dead on Arrival?: GBCS Rewrite of Social Principles Redefines Marriage, Rebuffs General Conference
Dan Moran
United Methodist
United Methodist Agency Responses to General Conference 2019
Methodist Lobby Chief Slams Church on Sexuality Vote
UMC Lobby Office Disregards General Conference, Lobbies for Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood
Christian Social Witness
Communion Cookies and Earth Prayers at GBCS
United Methodists’ Goodbye Letter to Abortion Coalition
Chelsen Vicari
Episcopal Church
UMC Official: Christians, Jews, and Muslims on Same “Spiritual Journey”
Joseph Rossell
There He Goes Again! Methodist Lobbyist Admits Not Consulting Jesus on Marriage
Assisted suicide
The Left Wing of the Democratic Party at “Mother Earth” Prayer?
Methodist Lobby: Divest from Israel, Invest in North Korea, Legalize Prostitution