BLM Windows at National Cathedral?

Mark Tooley on October 2, 2023

Has the National Cathedral in Washington, DC replaced Confederate windows with Black Lives Matter (BLM) windows? Some are claiming so. But the windows, which portray black people marching for justice, do not in any way cite BLM. The artist says the new windows “are not dependent on any period of time or any movement in history or any particular individual.”

It’s more attention getting, of course, to claim the worst. The National Cathedral, which is an Episcopal church, is often faddish. But not everything it does is necessarily terrible.

The Cathedral in 2017, before the 2020 rise of BLM, removed its windows honoring Confederate generals Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee. The removal came after the 2016 shootings at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina and the 2017 “United the Right” rally in Charlotteville, Virginia. These windows were installed in 1953, as a gift from the United Daughters of the Confederacy, to foster national reconciliation between north and south. Critics can rightly claim the windows glorified Jackson and Lee. Jackson is shown reading the Bible and being resurrected into heaven. The Lee window commends him as a “Christian soldier without fear and without reproach.”

The National Cathedral should not have removed these windows after 70 years. Old stuff should generally be left alone because it can teach about the past. Old stained-glass windows can only offend if allowed. The Cathedral explained the windows had become a “barrier to the mission and ministry of this Cathedral, and prolonged the suffering caused by the nation’s original sin of racism and slavery.” It also explained thatthere is a difference between remembering our history and celebrating it,” and “some monuments can become an impediment to prayer.” It said, “iconography should point us to God, not distract us from that divine encounter.”

True, but pointing to God includes understanding the tragedy of the human story.  Lee and Jackson were indisputably devout Christians who had many pious virtues amid their martial skills. They also participated in dividing the country through a murderous civil war in order to perpetuate slavery. Lee reputedly opposed both succession and slavery. If so, he should have spoken publicly. Lee and Jackson illustrate that even very devout Christians can make disastrous decisions.

Both windows for Jackson and Lee cite their hope in Christian resurrection.  If the Gospel is true, Lee and Jackson are now both in heaven as redeemed servants of God, alongside many of the U.S. soldiers they killed, and many of the slaves whose misery they would have perpetuated. Such imagery is hard to contemplate but it relates to the core of Christ’s work on the Cross. Perhaps the Cathedral could have retained the Confederate windows by explaining this theological insight.  The Cathedral is full of windows portraying other persons, most from the Bible, who did terrible deeds and yet looked to God for mercy. We all can learn from these scenes.

The National Cathedral strives to serve American national life in part by portraying American history in its art. It is a temple to American civil religion. There are statues of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. There is Woodrow Wilson’s tomb. A war memorial includes many stained-glass scenes of America’s great moments: the Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock, William Penn founding Pennsylvania, defiant patriot Nathan Hale about to be hanged as spy by the British, Lincoln emancipating the slaves, a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Battle of Midway, U.S. paratroopers on D-Day, liberated French people greeting U.S. troops, U.S. troops raising the flag at Iwo Jima. (An exterior sculpture also portrays Darth Vader from Star Wars among the gargoyles.) These scenes don’t relate to Christian salvation history, but they do illustrate America’s providential history.

The black struggle for equality and justice is part of that providential history. The new windows show black protesters with signs pleading for “fairness” and “no foul play.” These pleas for justice are central to the American story and are shaped by Christian purposes. Although the windows are not based on any particular time period, they more resemble the 1960s Civil Rights Movement than BLM of 2020.

Sadly, the Cathedral missed an opportunity to reference the Civil Rights Movement’s closeness with black churches and its many biblical themes. The Civil Rights Movement was successful because it was hopeful, mostly Christian, embraced the promises of America’s founding, and sought to befriend enemies. In contrast, BLM was a disastrous failure. It stoked resentments without offering hope or redemption. Its accompanying calls to defund the police were destructive. Police retreats in many of America’s cities led to more murders, rapes, robberies, and more disorder, in a huge setback for urban life from which the nation has not recovered. The cathedral windows do not reference any BLM slogans.

Societal equality for all, an aspiration of the new cathedral windows, is a theme for all Christians. Deriding any such calls as necessarily BLM implies disinterest in justice for all. A great national cathedral should illustrate the nation’s greatness and failures. The new windows, despite their spiritual oversights, do so. Removing the old windows was a failure to interpret divine redemption amid human failures.

  1. Comment by Tom on October 2, 2023 at 5:45 pm

    Interesting to read this article just a few days after Jeffrey Walton’s article on the Episcopal Church experiencing its worst annual loss of members EVER.

    The connections are obvious, but I doubt that either the National Cathedral or the Episcopal Church will make them.

  2. Comment by David on October 2, 2023 at 6:21 pm

    Washington, DC, was a typical segregated southern city. Remember Marian Anderson. It should be of no surprise that the windows were installed in the first place. Washington has been called a place of “northern charm and southern efficiency.”

  3. Comment by Mikeb on October 2, 2023 at 10:01 pm

    I’m rather uncomfortable with any Christian church being so pro war. I mean it’s pretty amazing there is that much war at any church, very temple of Mars…

  4. Comment by Dan W on October 3, 2023 at 7:38 am

    One Sunday morning a few weeks before Easter, we discovered someone had shattered the glass protecting the John Wesley window (stained glass) at the entrance to our sanctuary. After morning worship, I called the local police to get a police report for the insurance company. John Wesley faced the main road, adjacent to the front doors. A police officer arrived, surveyed the damage and found the brick used to smash the glass. She told us “I don’t think anyone was trying to break in. It was probably some crackhead, angry at God.” I understand why churches are taking down controversial images. I just hope they are not replaced by crackheads, angry at God.

    There is also a window depicting Francis Asbury. It is located in the passage connecting the fellowship hall and the sanctuary. The Asbury window is smaller, not as well lit, but it is very special. It is dedicated to a long-serving, much loved church administrator. Hardly anyone in 2023 knows how special this window is.

  5. Comment by David on October 3, 2023 at 8:08 am

    Churches are frequently the victims of arson and other attacks. The motivation for these ranges from the simple joy of vandalism to a profound belief by the mentally ill in divine direction.

  6. Comment by George on October 3, 2023 at 8:46 pm

    Thanks David, for years I was under the mistaken impression that most church arsons came from hateful racists terrorizing black churches and Jewish synagogues. I also believed that vandalism against these places of worship was instigated by those who hate God and those who follow God’s law. Now you come along and blame it on the “simple joy”
    of committing these crimes and the “profound beliefs of the mentally ill.” This is a very ignorant statement, even from an intellectual like yourself.

  7. Comment by Cal on October 3, 2023 at 10:35 pm

    Well, why not? Their true religion is Wokism, so it is appropriate that they put up icons of their true faith.

  8. Comment by David on October 4, 2023 at 8:06 am

    Here is an incident I can remember:

  9. Comment by George on October 4, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    Wow! So you go back 70 years and cherry pick an instance that you feel proves your hypothesis. David, even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while. Scores if not hundreds of these crimes have been committed since then. Surely an intellectual like yourself can show more proof than what you have offered to back up your ignorant statement.
    Why not go back to 1836 when a large group of insane Mexicans attacked for the sheer joy of it, a little church in San Antonio . You can still see the bullet holes. Yes, this is a dumb statement. Just as dumb as yours.

  10. Comment by David on October 5, 2023 at 8:12 am

    I cited the Trenton fires as I had an association with one of the damaged structures at that time. Groups that keep records on historic pipe organs often have many instances on file of church arson, and these are generally not Black churches in the South. When people hear voices telling them to do something, some imagine it is God, though schizophrenia is more common.

  11. Comment by George on October 5, 2023 at 1:11 pm

    Your just making up stories now, David. There are no such “groups “ who keep records on “historic pipe organs” that back your dumb hypothesis on the motivation of those committing these crimes. If you keep digging this hole, you better learn Mandarin.

  12. Comment by Thomas on October 6, 2023 at 10:01 am

    Considering that the former Dean of Washington National Cathedral was a self-described “non-theistic Christian”, this cathedral, like the Episcopal Church, has ceased to be Christian, among other reasons, for their endorsement of abortion and homosexuality.

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