Sexuality / LGBT
Cindy McClendon: How Did United Methodists Get to This Place?
Methodist Voices
What Happened When Other Denominations Passed Their Own “One Church Plan”?
Dan Moran
Why Alternatives to Passing Gracious Exits are Unbiblical and Harmful
John Lomperis
United Methodist
Robert Sparkman: What of the Majority Faction of Bishops Supporting the One Church Plan?
ELCA: foreshadowing a UMC future?
The Liberal UMC Bishops’ Plan, Part 5: Bringing Peace and Unity, or Something Else?
The Liberal UMC Bishops’ Plan, Part 4: How it Tramples on Traditionalists’ Consciences, Despite Assurances to the Contrary
The Liberal UMC Bishops’ Plan, Part 2: Going Much Further than a “Local Option”
The Liberal UMC Bishops’ Plan, Part 1: Summary
Mainline Protestant
Sara in Wonderland
Divided We Stand – Report on Launch Event for “Uniting Methodists”
Not much Centrism in “Uniting Methodists’” Agenda on Sexual Morality