Sexuality / LGBT
Press Release: United Methodist Judicial Council Declines to Rule on Transsexual Pastor
Guest Writer
Lutheran Reform Group Gathers with an Eye to 2009
Press Release: Methodist Judicial Council to Rule on Transsexual Pastor
UM General Board of Church and Society Lobbies to Stifle Employers’ Objections to Homosexual, Transgender Behavior
Methodist Lobby Office Joins Homosexual Groups to Support Sexual Rights Legislation
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” about Episcopal Church Diocesan Same-Sex Blessings?
Church Renewal
Jim Wallis’ Sojourners Rally Prepares Activists for 2008 Elections
Same Song, Second Verse: The ELCA Postpones Decisions on Sexuality . . . Again
Why Is Vermont Excluding Traditional Faiths from Commission Studying Same-Sex Marriage?
Commentary: Steeplejacking? IRD Critics Weigh In
Executive Council Advocates for Gay Rights, Against War on Terror
Uncertain Future: The National Association of Evangelicals After Ted Haggard