Diane Knippers Memorial Lecture: Fred Barnes’ Address on Faith and Politics

on October 3, 2012
Fred Barnes
Keynote speaker Fred Barnes delivered the 2012 Diane Knippers Memorial Lecture. (Photo credit: Nathaniel Torrey/ Institute on Religion and Democracy)

The Diane Knippers Memorial Lecture has passed but you can relive the memorable October 1 night. For it was then that we came together in remembrance of the late IRD President Diane Knippers and to also reflect on the current state of affairs.

IRD President Mark Tooley and IRD board Chair Helen Rhea Stumbo gave opening remarks. The latter said of Diane Knippers:

“Her life was characterized by faithful, devoted obedience to her Lord and his Church… I know a goodly number of people who disagreed with her, I don’t think I ever knew anybody who didn’t like her.”

Our keynote speaker, Weekly Standard editor and IRD board member, Fred Barnes discussed the intersection of faith and politics in an election year.

Continue to check back as we will post video from the event later this week. For now, you can see our event photo album and listen to the event audio!

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