Methodist Bishop Drops Clergy Trials for Same-Sex Ceremonies

on March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014
Contact:  Jeff Walton office: 202-682-4131, cell: 202-413-5639, e-mail:


“Bishop McLee has ensured a prolonging and an intensification of our denomination’s internal conflicts.”|
-UMAction Director John Lomperis


Washington, DC—A retired United Methodist minister and past dean of Yale Divinity School will face no punishment for conducting a 2012 same-sex wedding in violation of the policies of the United Methodist Church.

The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Ogletree’s refusal to commit to following church policies in the future led to a formal complaint filed against him within the denomination’s conference for the New York City area.

Ogletree and New York Bishop Martin McLee announced a settlement at a press conference today. Rather than Ogletree facing penalties, McLee will convene a public forum to give Ogletree further opportunity to promote his vision for the church. When asked at the press conference if he would do another same-gender wedding, Ogletree replied, “Sure!”

McLee further announced that he would cease all trials for New York-area United Methodist clergy who perform same-sex rites. In the press conference, the Rev. Scott Campbell, who served as Ogletree’s counsel, essentially admitted that this constituted an open invitation for area clergy to perform same-sex rites.

The United Methodist Church has over 12.5 million members globally, 7.3 million in the U.S. and about 5 million in Africa, where the church is gaining about 200,000 annually while the U.S. church loses almost 100,00 annually. Liberal U.S. church activists, unable to win legislatively at the church’s governing General Conference, have been waging a disobedience campaign against the church’s marriage teaching.

IRD’s United Methodist Action Director John Lomperis commented:

“No one today seriously argues that sex outside of man-woman marriage is consistent with the historic, core doctrinal standards United Methodist clergy vow at their ordinations to uphold. But a vocal minority now bizarrely brag about not keeping their word.

“By refusing to fulfill his basic responsibilities as bishop to uphold our standards, Bishop McLee is demonstrating a profound lack of integrity, breaking his own word to God and the church, and is further undermining trust in bishops throughout our denomination.

“Bishop McLee has effectively declared that he will run his conference as if it is independent from the rest of our global denomination.

“Bishop McLee has ensured a prolonging and an intensification of our denomination’s internal conflicts. No wonder his region is losing members so rapidly.

“Despite their professed concern for church unity, this minority faction is determined to lead ‘United’ Methodists down the same liberalizing road that has split other oldline Protestant denominations.”

  1. Comment by Jay Ferguson on March 10, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    This has been a long time coming. So the game is now about money and property.

  2. Comment by Janice on March 10, 2014 at 7:25 pm

    This is so sad. He should be stripped of his benefits just as
    an officer in the military for disobeying direct orders. He took
    a vow, and now that vow is broken.

  3. Comment by Wyona Wevers on March 10, 2014 at 8:34 pm

    I fully agree with Janice ! !

  4. Comment by Joe on March 10, 2014 at 11:28 pm

    Bishop McLee would be well-advised to end these endless, faux “conversations” about the propriety of sanctifying same-sex relationships and turn his attention instead to conversations about separation. A conversation about amicable separation is pertinent, necessary and far more likely to bear fruit.

  5. Comment by gary on March 11, 2014 at 1:32 pm

    Not a surprise to me that the bishop made this decision. There is a clear lack of integrity from many bishops and clergy in the UMC and we see it over and over again as they perform same-sex weddings. It will eventually tear the UMC apart just as it has the Presbyterian and Episcopalian denominations. The evil one has the ear of too many of the bishops and clergy in the UMC and they are willing to do his work for him.

  6. Comment by Mike on March 11, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    Didn’t we all know this was going to happen following the 2012 General Conference? The Conference having upheld the church’s position on same-sex marriage and ordination of practicing gay clergy, it was nearly inevitable that we’d see a split. What surprises me is that it looks like it will be those of us who believe in our traditional “official” doctrine who will be leaving the UMC rather than those who refuse to live by the Book of Discipline.

    What’s happening is sad but many Bishops seem determined to make our beloved United Methodist Church even less relevant than it is now. Why even pretend we have Christian doctrine at all?

  7. Comment by Daniel on March 11, 2014 at 5:57 pm

    Very interesting that the official UMC web site has nary a line about this story. I suspect they may be wanting to keep it on the down low for fear of generating a backlash from the wanton disregard of church law by yet another bishop. BTW, is it any surprise that there is no news about the status of charges being filed against Mel Talbert?

  8. Comment by Roger on March 11, 2014 at 7:03 pm

    A short time ago Foundry U.M.C. in Washington, D.C. had 30 Bishops, active and retired, in attendance at a same-sex marriage ceremony. I commented on that occasion that more defiance of our Church would be forthcoming. A recent article in World Magazine indicated that “The Evangelical Church has experienced a breaking up and many Anglican congregations have lost beautiful buildings but gained something greater.” Editor Renfroe of the Good News magazine says that Methodism is at a late hour.” Our Council of Bishops must act soon one way or another. The ordinary person in the pew is oblivious to what is taking place; with only a small number who are aware of the Church’s challenges. All moral failure brings on a breakup of relationships, whether with mankind or God or both. A house that is divided can not long endure. Action is the buzz word of our times and our Leadership needs to respond.

  9. Comment by Scott on March 11, 2014 at 11:36 pm

    I wish that biblically based Methodists would unite with biblically based Anglicans to form a new church, recognizing our common Anglican heritage and evangelical mission. John Wesley was, after all, an Anglican. Let us reunite with Anglican worship and Methodist zeal.

  10. Comment by Donnie on March 12, 2014 at 8:46 am

    All of them would be more than welcome in most non-denominational churches. True, some NDs are just as bad the “mainline” churches as far as apostasy goes. But most of the more successful ones are very Biblical and evangelically minded.

  11. Comment by James Wilson on March 12, 2014 at 4:04 am

    It seems that we have a Jeffersonian, leader, you know Thomas Jefferson Bible , where he cut it down to size ( smaller) by removing what He “disagreed with” so Snip-snip.. there goes Romans Chapter 1..(esp. verses 26-32). what is next ” what, should we sin, so grace may abound…God Forbid!” Romans 6:1…. OBTW who is this that we are to to Honor above all? Colossians 3:17 ” And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father”…… REPENT and Do the Good works you once did says our KING JESUS …Check out Revelations 2:5…. this is the Call of Him, who said ” be fruitful and multiply”…. Oh, How Far the Leaders of this and many denominations have fallen…Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ,in Africa, and America should rise up in one mighty CONCORD and say ” Oh, God our Father… deliver the Methodist Church..Rather all of Jesus’ Church.. from all such “flesh abusing” ( Romans 1:27) and let us Call ourselves a people seeking to Live Holy lives with Your Grace and Help Oh, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty… In Jesus Name! Amen !!!
    Love in Jesus, Live in Jesus, and Go in Jesus’ name to a lost and dying world with the Gospel of Christ’s call to Repent and believe the Gospel: of His death for our sins, burial , and His resurrections [ Mark 1:15 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 ] OH HOW WE NEED TO HERALD THIS AGAIN—
    Sins=forgiven,Lives=redeemed, New Creation=started, Holy Living=Through God the Holy Spirit… and SOOOO MUCH More, in the Name of Jesus, by His Blood and through HIs Cross, and Now Post-Pentacost By the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT…

  12. Comment by Vincent Ciro on March 13, 2014 at 4:27 pm

    I sincerely believe that Bishop McClee has clearly violated his sworn duty to uphold the Book of Discipline and the laws and doctrines of our church, not by arriving at an obviously bogus resolution which he sadly is within his power to do but by unilaterally suspending the rule of law concerning violations of our Book of Discipline and by usurping the authority of the General Conference. I propose that we align with other like-minded congregational leaders and as per ¶413 in the Book of Discipline, “Complaints against Bishops”, submit a formal complaint to the College of Bishops. This complaint must be a, “written statement claiming misconduct, unsatisfactory performance of ministerial duties or one or more of the offenses listed in ¶2702.”

  13. Comment by Marilyn on March 13, 2014 at 9:13 pm

    In reply to Vincent, we in the former Wyoming Annual Conference in NE Pennsylvania brought complaints against Bishop Susan Morrison that were dropped without an investigation by a sympathetic “sister” bishop. Good luck.

  14. Comment by Howard Schwend on March 13, 2014 at 8:40 pm

    “Jesus wept”

  15. Comment by dan b on March 14, 2014 at 1:02 am

    I wonder if the non profit status of the United Methodist church might be in danger? It seems to me at one time I heard that a non profit must have governing rules that define it. Is there anything to this? Is anyone familiar with non profit law?

  16. Comment by Pudentiana on March 21, 2014 at 5:34 pm

    Having witnessed the process of election of bishops, I can only say that we have what we deserve. The political lies and hackery which fills the days prior to the vote turned my stomach. I regret to say that the candidates are frequently chosen in order to fulfill “required” color and gender codes. Once a candidate proves to be the right gender or right color, then their doctrine of sexuality and political party are discerned in a “delicate” process. In liberal sections of the country one can only hope to obtain someone who is not a “flaiming” radical. This explains why it is the Northeast which is providing such a shameful display of warped authority.

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