God and July 4

on July 4, 2012

Every patriotic holiday the usual religious scoffers berate the primitively patriotic booboisie for their mindless devotion to country, supposedly expressed on July 4 in between gulps of beer and chauvinistic perorations. Middle America, we are solemnly told, believes in America more than God, even while claiming to be Christian. The sneering critic, meanwhile, explains how he or she more thoughtfully honors the Almighty while decidedly shunning American nationalism.

Obviously God comes before country, just as He comes before family and friends and all other cherished relations. But these scoffing critics never issue their jeremiads on Mother’s Day against the many idolaters, almost certainly more numerous than the arch nationalists, who love their mothers more than God. Love of mothers, like love of country, in fact has a vital place in God’s order of creation. Believers in fact express their love of God through their love of and service to their relations, including family and country.

Absurdly, Christianity Today published yesterday Evangelical Left activist David Gushee’s 5 favorite books about patriotism. He includes, along with classic works by Reinhold Niebuhr and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Shane Claiborne’s 2008 Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals, in which Claiborne calmly compares America to Nazi Germany and the biblical Whore of Babylon. Happy 4th of July indeed.

In his own July 4 blog, a United Methodist minister complained yesterday how “we would cram Jesus into a little U.S.A. flag box and make him our own, when the real Jesus came for everybody, everywhere, and his mission didn’t seem to be the spread of capitalism or the security of America or the heightening of a single country’s prestige, but to lift up the downtrodden, to be a light to the nations (including America!).” This minister must have had a really bad week, because he intoned: “Jesus is more appalled than I am at the mean-spirited, divisive, absurdly angry emails that fly around, those that spew venom and feed on fear and our darkest side.” And he angrily concluded: “I don’t think the New Testament has Jesus declare ‘I came that you might get mad, that American might be great, and so that people who aren’t doing so well might just try harder and get over it or go away.'”

Who are all these terrible Americans this minister says he encounters? Hopefully not at his church! The minister cites as his evidence of cramming Jesus into a “little U.S.A. flag box” a painting by Mormon artist Jon McNaughton called “One Nation Under God.” Fantastically and unashamedly over the top, it portrays a resurrected Jesus Christ extolling the U.S. Constitution, surrounded by a cavalcade of U.S. heroes, including Founding Fathers, Susan Anthony, Ronald Reagan, Harriet Tubman, Dwight Eisenhower, Frederick Douglas, astronaut Christa McAuliffe, Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, Clara Barton, Dolly Madison, and U.S. service personnel from several wars. The U.S. Capitol is in the background, as is the U.S. Supreme Court.


Whatever the artist’s own theology, the painting’s larger theme illustrates how God has deployed America for some good. Christ, as the eternal Logos, obviously was present at America’s founding and, as Lord of the universe, presides yet over our nation and all nations. Certainly He has used our Constitution to foster liberty and justice. And He has providentially appointed diverse persons other than just well behaved theologically orthodox believers, including a Unitarian like Thomas Jefferson and a chronic adulterer like JFK, to accomplish His purposes. Latin American folk art showing Jesus in solidarity with the descamisados likely would not trouble critics of “One Nation Under God,” which is itself North American folk art. But celebrations of U.S. history and culture, including religion’s decisive role, uniquely trouble the sourpuss grinches who like to pour contempt on America’s patriotic celebrations.

A higher brow example of American civil religion in art is Italian artist Constantino Brumidi’s “Apotheosis of Washington” inside the U.S. Capitol dome, showing George Washington’s rapturous reception into Heaven.  Today’s unimaginative critics might deride it as pagan deification.  But 19th century Americans understood its metaphorical celebration of a great and providentially blessed man who helped found a providentially blessed nation.


St. Paul admonishes to “rejoice always.” There is much over which to rejoice this July 4. Americans should rejoice, and thank God for sustaining our country. Let the critics stay inside to grumble, and enjoy the fireworks!

  1. Comment by Bart Gingerich on July 4, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the artist of that over the top and problematic painting is in fact a Mormon. This, he wouldn’t share an orthodox view of things, but instead Mormonism’s theology of America.

  2. Comment by Mark tooley on July 4, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Thanks Bart. I added that note.

  3. Comment by Dan Trabue on July 5, 2012 at 10:09 am

    Mark wrote…

    Every patriotic holiday the usual religious scoffers berate the primitively patriotic booboisie for their mindless devotion to country

    While it is almost certainly true that there is some rather mindless berating of over-celebration of America, I would hope that you would not lump all those who have reservations about too much celebration/nationalism in with this group you appear to be berating.

    Many of my Amish, Mennonite, Brethren, Hutterite tribe, along with many other Christians and Christian groups hold such reservations for sincere, Christian reasons. While there is, indeed, much to celebrate about our nation and its place in history, there is much to be concerned about. And, given the biblical teachings and Christian record as it relates to nationalism, wouldn’t you think there is a place for wise reminders that this nation is not OUR nation, that we are part of the Realm of God, not the Nation of the USA?

    And given the whole “bombs bursting in air” that is so oft-recalled at this time of the year with the exploding (and polluting) fireworks, perhaps you can understand that for those of us who work with refugees who have oft been scarred, mentally and physically, by the “bombs bursting in air… and on the ground and all around” – sometimes US bombs – perhaps you can understand our reluctance to celebrate what good has been in our history with more explosions?

    Perhaps you can understand that it is not just a simple denigration and demonization of all things American that is our aim, but a desire to follow the Prince of Peace and work in community with the least of these that causes these reservations?

    I hope you can see why we have this reluctance and we’re not all just mindless “scoffing critics.”

    In Christ,


  4. Comment by Paul Zesewitz on July 12, 2012 at 5:54 pm

    Perhaps this minister would be better off in the Jehovah Witnesses, who aren’t in the least bit patriotic–they don’t salute the flag or join the military.

  5. Comment by Dan Trabue on July 14, 2012 at 11:43 am

    Neither do the anabaptists, Paul. We have a long history – hundreds of years, now – of striving for loyalty to God, above all. It is a point that I don’t think the mainstream churches, if pushed on it, would disagree with. It is not dissimilar from the early church’s position, as far as we can tell, so if you are trying to mock it, I’d call for a bit of Christian grace and latitude.

    As a point of church history: The early Methodist church leaned quite heavily towards pacifism/peacemaking, so this minister seems to be following in his own church’s traditions.

    Also, as others have noted: The highest form of patriotism is not mindless support of “My nation, good or bad,” but one that calls for the best in us, as this minister seems to be striving to do.

    As to that minister’s actual point he was making (“when the real Jesus came for everybody…”), it would seem to be a very orthodox and reasonable position.

    Again, my friends, I think we can treat one another with grace and respect, even when we disagree on the details of how best to follow in the steps of the Prince of Peace…

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